Nurturing life long interests
We offer a range of extracurricular before and after school clubs which range from sports to cooking sessions.

What we offer
We regularly provide over 30 clubs each week. They happen either before school from 08:00-08:45 or after school between 15:30-16:30 and run over a ten-week term.
Details of the following terms club offer is sent out half termly with instructions for how to make your request through a Google form. We will then allocate clubs (we try to ensure that all pupils get at least one club).
Clubs within our provision are charged at £60 for a ten-week block. Morning clubs are £40 for a ten-week block. Pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding are entitled to one free club each term. Payments can be made via Parentpay for Child Care Vouchers / Tax free Childcare Vouchers
How to book
This is completed via a Google form. Instructions are sent out after the half term break for the following term.
If you have any questions please contact