Our curriculum offers a reflective, responsive and imaginative approach to developing knowledge.
It builds skills in small steps, promotes discussion and critical thinking and takes advantage of abroad range of experiences and opportunities.
Our curriculum encourages pupils to become informed, inquisitive and engaged global citizens.

A carefully sequenced curriculum
In Reception teaching is focussed around topics which cover the different areas of learning. Staff work closely to deliver a curriculum in which there is a clear thread from the first days of Reception to the end of Year 6. The Early Years Foundation Stage develops skills and knowledge which are then built upon in Key Stage 1.
From Year 1 onwards we teach explicit subjects although where relevant and appropriate cross-curricular links are made.
Each subject has a clear intent which outlines what we aim to achieve in our teaching of the subject. Each subject also has a progression map which illustrates how the learning of knowledge (skills and facts) is distributed between each year group.