Our approach to learning

At The Belham, we inspire and educate our pupils by providing them with stimulating learning experiences that will enable them to explore the world and their place in it.

We hold the belief that every Belhamite should develop a lifelong enthusiasm for learning. Our goal is to provide them with the necessary skills to find their passions and create a better future for them and others.

We use evidence-based teaching approaches, drawing from the work of the Education Endowment Foundation and London South Research School to ensure the highest quality teaching. Our curriculum is firmly rooted in our local community, enabling students to embody our core values and understand the context of the world around them and further afield.

“As educators, our aim should be to empower every student to become the architect of their own learning journey. By fostering metacognition, providing effective feedback, and maintaining high expectations, we can create a classroom environment where all learners can thrive and achieve their full potential."

Education Endowment Foundation


We actively engage with the work of the Education Endowment Foundation and London South Research School. Several of our members of staff led professional development across the Trust, using latest research and proven strategies.

Guidance will be given at parents meetings. There is also information on Year Hub pages which can be found here.

We hold an information session at the start of each academic year to allow you to meet the teacher and gain an overview of the year. We also publish each term's learning at the beginning of Autumn, Spring and Summer.