Wave 1 – Universal Support
Our first priority at The Belham is to ensure the highest standard of inclusive teaching possible for all children, using of range of evidence-informed strategies. This forms Wave 1, of our 3-tiered SEND offer.
This level of support will involvea range of strategies including a 5-a-daymodel of inclusive teaching:
1. Precise instruction and explanation
2. Supporting children to develop independent thinkingand learning strategies
3. Effective visual, verbal and written ‘scaffolds’ toenhance access to learning.
4. flexible grouping of children
5. effective use of technology
Wave 2 – Targeted Support
For children who require a more personalised approach to specific areas of learning, in addition to the Wave 1strategies, children may have access to group-based interventions. These sessions, run by SEND learning support assistants or teachers, include support for differences across the 4 broad areas of need such as: speech and language, specific literacy and mathematical skills, social skills, physical and sensory development and emotional literacy. Wave 2 support aims to enable children to make accelerated progress against their targets and to be working at the age-expected level.
The interventions vary term on term according to need and resources. The school SENDCo can provide information on current interventions on request as available interventions are subject to regular change according to pupil need and available resources.
Wave 3 – Specialist Support
For a small number of children, a highly personalised approach to learning is required, using recommendations from external professionals such as a speech and language therapist (SaLT),Educational Psychologist (EP) or specialists from other services. This type of support will vary hugely between individuals dependent on strengths and differences. Children who might benefit from Wave 3 support will often have or require an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in order for the school to provide the level of specialist support.
All support across the school is monitored and evaluated termly. This is to ensure that the support in place is meeting the needs of individual children.