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Year Two

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Learning, dates and more
Arabella Lopez
Year Two Teacher, PE, Fixtures & Clubs Lead
Jade Brown
Year Two Class Teacher
Sumaya Mohamed
Year 2 Student Teacher

Useful things to know and reminders from the team

PE is on Monday and Thursday/

Children need their recorders in school on Thursdays.

Reading books are changed twice a week.

Explore what we're learning this term below...


  • Rosie Revere Engineer by Andrea Beaty
  • Wild by Emily Hughes
  • Poetry Pie by Roger McGough
  • Ada Twist Scientist by Andrea Beaty


  • Grammar and spelling: Parts of speech
  • Segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly
  • Learning new ways of spelling phonemes for which one or more spellings are already known, and learn some words with each spelling, including a few common homophones
  • Learning to spell common exception words
  • Distinguishing between homophones and near-homophones
  • Learning the possessive apostrophe (singular)
  • Learning to spell more words with contracted forms
  • Adding suffixes to spell longer words
  • Composition: Creating characters and settings, poetry
  • Genres: Writing a persuasive letter, performing poetry


  • The Minpins by Roald Dahl
  • Wanted: The Perfect Pet by Fiona Roberton
  • Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin
  • Leon and the Place Between by Grahame Baker-Smith


Grammar and Spelling:

  • Learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly, including apostrophes for contracted forms and the possessive (singular).
  • Using suffixes to form new words.
  • Expanded noun phrases.
  • Writing sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command.
  • Using subordinate and coordinate conjunctions.

Genres and Composition:

  • Adventure narratives.
  • Diary entries.
  • Poetry.
  • Creating characters and settings.
  • Non-chronological report.
  • Recount.


Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister

Anna Hibiscus (Poetry, narrative writing) by Atinuke

Moth by Isabel Thomas

Pattan’s Pumpkin by Chitra Soundar

If all the world were by Joseph Coelho

House held up by trees

Mirror by Jeannie Baker


Genres and composition:

Exploring setting

Persuasive writing


Letter of advice

Non-fiction report (Moths)

Recount of Art workshop


  • Number and Place Value: Numbers to 100, using < and >, place value in 2 and 3 digit numbers, counting in 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, odd and even numbers
  • Calculations: Adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers, using partitioning, word problems
  • Calculations - Multiplication and Division: Grouping in 2s, 5s, and 10s
  • Measure: Length comparing cms and m, comparing in kg and g

  • Number and Place Value:
  • Writing and counting money.
  • Naming and counting fractions.
  • Finding a fraction of a quantity.
  • Telling the time.
  • Manipulating an analogue clock.
  • Finding and comparing the duration of time.
  • Calculations - Multiplication and Division:
  • Grouping in 2s, 5s, and 10s.
  • Word problems.
  • Measure:
  • Length comparing cm and m.
  • Comparing in kg and g.
  • Comparing in m and ml.
  • Reading and estimating temperature.
  • Graphs:
  • Reading and interpreting graphs.


●    Showing equal parts

●    Showing halves and quarters

●    Showing Thirds

●    Naming fractions

●    Making a whole

●    Counting in halves, thirds andquarters

●    Making a whole

●    Finding part of a set

●    Finding part of a quantity



●    Telling and writing time to 5 minutes

●    Telling and writing time

●    Sequencing events

●    Drawing clock hands

●    Finding durations of time

●    Finding ending times

●    Finding starting times

●    Comparing durations of time


2D shapes:

●    Identifying sides

●    Identifying vertices

●    Identifying Lines of symmetry

●    Making figures

●    Sorting shapes

●    Drawing shapes

●    Making and describing patterns

●    Moving and turning shapes

3D Shapes:

-      Recognising and describing 3Dshapes

-      Grouping 3D shapes

-      Forming 3D structures

-      Making patterns


-      Comparing volume

-      Measuring volume in litres andmillitres

-      Solving word problems


  • Recorder
  • Unit Aim: To develop children’s ability to make a smooth sound on the recorder, and to learn to play songs using B A and G.

Reading and Playing Rhythmic Phrases.

Learn and remember 5 new songs to sing alone, with a partner and in a group ∙ Follow teacher’s hand signs to sing doh, ray, me and soh and la. ∙ Play rhythm notation phrases on recorders  to include ti-ti (quaver), ta(crotchet), too (minim) and ta rest. ∙ Play two-part pieces on recorders from memory with accompaniment. ∙ Use cresc and dim where appropriate.

Reading and Playing Rhythmic Phrases.

Learn and remember 5 new songs to sing alone, with a partner and in a group ∙ Follow teacher’s hand signs to sing doh, ray, me and soh and la. ∙ Play rhythm notation phrases on recorders  to include ti-ti (quaver), ta(crotchet), too (minim) and ta rest. ∙ Play two-part pieces on recorders from memory with accompaniment. ∙ Use cresc and dim where appropriate.

  • Artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Frank Bowling, Alma Thomas
  • Sketching: Experiment with tools and surfaces, shading, sketching to make quick records
  • Painting - Seasonal paintings: Large scale, collaborative
  • DT Mechanisms- Wheels and Axles: Explore and use sliders and levers. Understand that different mechanisms produce different types of movement. Use tools and equipment to cut and join materials.


Bridget Riley

Karen Lederer


Art Skills

Pattern - Op Art

Printing with a range of objects


Design - Textiles

Joining techniques




Bridget Riley

Karen Lederer


Art Skills

Pattern - Op Art

Printing with a range of objects


Design - Textiles

Joining techniques



  • Being Me in My World: Hopes and fears for the year ahead, feeling worried and asking for help, rights and responsibilities – making my classroom a safe and fair space. How to work collaboratively, how to listen to each other, choices and consequences
  • Celebrating Difference: Gender stereotypes, boys and girls can have differences and similarities, and that is OK. Bullying. Why it might happen, being supportive, feelings, speaking out, and getting help. Friends have differences, and that is OK; you can still be friends.




Keeping Safe

Friends and Conflict

Keeping Safe


Trust and Appreciation

Celebrating Special Relationships


Changing Me - Coping with change


Life Cycles in Nature

Growing from Young to Old

The Changing Me



Looking Ahead





Keeping Safe

Friends and Conflict

Keeping Safe


Trust and Appreciation

Celebrating Special Relationships


Changing Me - Coping with change


Life Cycles in Nature

Growing from Young to Old

The Changing Me



Looking Ahead


Islam – the Qu’ran:

  • What is a holy book?
  • What language is the Qu’ran in?
  • How did the Qu’ran get written?
  • What kind of rules are in the Qu’ran?
  • What does the Qur’an say about what Muslims can eat?
  • How do Muslims treat the Qur’an specially?
  • Who was the Prophet Muhammad?
  • Muhammad and the Camel
  • Muhammad and the Angel Jibril
  • Muhammad and the Night Journey
  • Muhammad and the Hungry Stranger

The Bible

Who were the people of the Old Testament?, what happened to the first humans in the bible?, What happened to Adam and Eve’s sons?, Why did Abraham nearly kill his son? What happens at the beginning of the story of Moses?, How did Moses end up being a hero to the Hebrews?

The Bible

Who were the people of the Old Testament?, what happened to the first humans in the bible?, What happened to Adam and Eve’s sons?, Why did Abraham nearly kill his son? What happens at the beginning of the story of Moses?, How did Moses end up being a hero to the Hebrews?

  • Everyday materials: Identify and compare the suitability of materials like wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper, and cardboard for particular uses. Understand how the shapes of solid objects could be changed by squashing, bending, twisting, and stretching.
  • Animals including humans: Animals, including humans, have offspring that grow into adults. Understand the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food, and air). Recognize the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.

Living things and their habitats. Habitats around the world

-      Learn about habitats

-      Appreciate that environments are constantlychanging

-      Explore the rainforest and its problems

-      Describe the life in the ocean

-      Discover the arctic and antarctic habitat

-      Create a model of a habitat


-      Know the difference between seeds and bulbs

-      Design an experiment to find out what plantsneed to grow

-      Describe what plants need to grow and stayhealthy

-      Describe the life cycle of a plant

-      Observe and record the growth of plants overtime

-      Understand that plants adapt to suit theirenvironment

Living things and their habitats. Habitats around the world

-      Learn about habitats

-      Appreciate that environments are constantlychanging

-      Explore the rainforest and its problems

-      Describe the life in the ocean

-      Discover the arctic and antarctic habitat

-      Create a model of a habitat


-      Know the difference between seeds and bulbs

-      Design an experiment to find out what plantsneed to grow

-      Describe what plants need to grow and stayhealthy

-      Describe the life cycle of a plant

-      Observe and record the growth of plants overtime

-      Understand that plants adapt to suit theirenvironment

  • Geography topic: Mapping skills
  • Use aerial photos to recognize landscape and basic human and physical features.
  • Use simple compass directions (N, S, E, W) to describe the location of features and routes on a map.
  • Use locational language such as near, far, left, and right to describe features on a map.
  • Devise a simple map and construct basic symbols in a key.

  • History topic: History of Inventions
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
  • Observe and use pictures, photographs, and artifacts to find out about the past.
  • Use evidence to find answers to simple questions about the past based on simple observations.
  • Sequence pictures from different periods.
  • Show an understanding of historical terms to show the passing of time, e.g., here, now, then, x years ago, a long time ago.


  • Transport - How transport, including cars and trains, has changed over time.
  • The Golden Age of Aviation - Leonardo Da Vinci, The Wright Brothers, Bessie Coleman, Hilda Hewlett.

-      How is the UK different to Nigeria?: Recap theUK and its geography, Compare Lagos and London (human geography), Compare Lagosand London (physical geography), Compare life in Lagos with life in London (primarysources)


-      UK Coastal Environments (Case study: CuckmereValley): What is the coast and what is it used for?, What processes form thecoast?, What are the features/landforms in coastal areas?, How is the coastmanaged?,


  • Information technology around us: How do we use computers, other technology around us, and what it is used for? How devices work together, how to stay safe while using technology, how technology helps us.
  • Digital Photography: Use a digital device to take a photograph, make choices about the type of photograph I want to take, composition of a good photo, how to change an image that has been taken and what effect this has

  • Creating Media - Making Music:
  • How music makes us feel.
  • Rhythms and patterns.
  • How music can be used.
  • Notes and tempo.
  • Creating digital music.
  • Reviewing and editing music.
  • Data and Information - Pictograms:
  • Counting and comparing.
  • Entering data.
  • Creating pictograms.
  • Presenting information.



Giving Instructions

Making Predictions

Mats and Routes

Algorithm Design




Scratch Junior


Using and Changing a design

Designing and Creating a Program




  • Football: Attack, defend, shoot
  • Gymnastics: Performing and be able to link different elements in a simple movement pattern, perform jumps with power and control, perform basic gymnastic actions showing various levels, be able to travel at different speeds with control
  • Send and Return: Use a variety of movements to track balls in different ways. Chase, stop, and control balls and objects. Attempt to accurately send a ball which can be returned by others. Track movement of a ball to be able to return over the bench or net. Identify tactics to outwit an opponent. Work as part of a team to score points.

Swimming and Team Games

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Say, read, write, and understand:

  • Tilly Weather and the Seasons: Learn and apply vocabulary for seasons and the weather
  • Mr Logan’s Grand Tour: Learn and apply vocabulary for different parts of a town


  • Modes of transport.
  • Days of the week and verbs.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Explore what we're learning this term below...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.