Cross Country Success!

April 30, 2024
Ben Atkinson

On Friday, a selection of boys and girls from Y3to Y6 were invited to take part in a cross country championship forschools across The Charter Trust. Hosted by Dulwich Hamlet Junior School,a brisk but sunny morning provided perfect running conditions. 


Beginning by walking the grassy courseto familiarise everyone with the route, Y3 kicked off the action after ashort briefing. It wasn't long before The Belham opened up its medalaccount with a win from Millie in Y3, and Eloise shortly behind her in 3rdplace.  


Felix in Y4 then took our second win in the Y4boys race, before Ever clinched 2nd place in a very fast Y5 girlsrace. Reggie in Y6 gave us our third victory of the day in the boysrace, making light work of the competition. Tim then brought the rest of thefield in, going deep to place 2nd. So deep in fact that he was promptly sickafter the finish line! 


Eloise in Y6 rounded off a fantastic morning,delivering the most nail bitting performance of the day. Yoyo’ing between firstand second place, she demonstrated amazing resilience to sprint for second asthe lactic acid hit hard in the last half lap. 


Despite all of the amazing individualperformances, perhaps the most impressive was the amazing support from thesidelines. Having helped created an electric atmosphere with a fantasticshow of school camaraderie, our runners proudly collected medals during theprize presentation and took home the trophy for overall winners!


A huge thank you to all our parent helpers,without whom none of this would have been possible. 

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